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Cougar+ Black

  • Courgar+Black is the original Loveless Ash Vac
  • This product is suitable for use with fine ash that is cool to warm.
  • The sealed design ensures that ash does not leak through the exhaust.
  • The patented filter system has been developed to filter the finest ash particles.
  • External filter cleaning allows you to clean the filters without opening the unit.
  • Suitable for various types of fireplaces, including wood stoves, pellet stoves, fireplaces, and BBQs
  • Included is a comprehensive set of accessories designed to remove dust from tight spaces effectively
  • Designed and Assembled in the USA and comes with a 3-year limited warranty
  • 6-gallon barrel

  • Vacuum scraping shroud used for containment of lead paint, paint chips and popcorn ceiling
  • Captures up to 99% of popcorn ceiling debris and paint chips.
  • Lightweight for easy scaping.
  • Complies with EPA regulations for point-of-origin dust contamination
  • Contains 3, 2.5" wide replacement blades