Posted on November 9, 2022 by Dustless Tools -
Replacement part for D1505 BackPack Vac
Posted on November 9, 2022 by Dustless Tools -
90 Degree Double Swivel Elbow 90 Degree fits D1505 BackPack Vac
Posted on November 9, 2022 by Dustless Tools -
Makes seal with lid of backpackSupports the HEPA Filter BagMachine Washable, Air DryReplacement part for D1505
Posted on August 15, 2022 by Dustless Tools -
Improve Your Tools
Dustless Accessories and Equipment
Dustless Technologies makes a variety of equipment and accessories to extend and enhance the use of our dust collection systems. Shop attachments, filters, abrasive products, and more to find the precise equipment you need to properly execute your work. Our additional equipment and accessories help you keep workspaces and other areas clean and dust-free.
The Benefits of Dustless Accessories and Equipment
Dustless Technologies understands the importance of creating a safe work environment, and whether for commercial or personal use, our equipment and accessories collect and contain the dust generated during work. We facilitate the best work practices with a full accompaniment of accessories for all Dustless equipment. Each accessory and piece of additional equipment we manufacture for our tools supports, better collects, and manages unwanted dust that results from everyday work. When used with any of our Dustless vacuums and shrouds, each accessory complies with OSHA's silica rule and other regulations.
Dustless Attachments
Dustless Technologies creates an array of attachments that are essential for construction companies, contractors, and do-it-yourselfers. Our line of additional equipment and accessories helps you keep workspaces and other areas clean and dust-free.
1.5 In. Slurry Squeegee Kit
HEPA Floor Tool with Adapter
1.5 Squeegee Dustless Slurry
WAND (SLURRY VAC) - 2” X 4.5”
Floor Tool w/ Squeegee (D1618/19)
Ash Vac Wire Brush Tool Rect
Ash Vac Wire Brush Tool Round
13” x 1.1” AshVac Metal Nozzle
Dustless Cuffs and Adapters
Our line of cuffs and adapters ensures the seal and bond on your attachments are seamless and strong. Our HEPA shop vacs and wet+dry vacuums are powerful enough to take on any job you need and trap, liquid dust and debris, and our cuffs provide the sure fit on which you can count.
3” Barbed Poly Insert Coupling
14mm x 7/8” Metic Arbor Extender
5/7” x 7/8” Arbor Adapter
2” Barbed Poly Insert Coupling
1.5”x1.5” Thd x Thd Hose Coupler
3” CUFF, White for 3” ESD Hose
3” SCREW CUFF, Gray for Hose
2 1/2” wire wound hose cuff
1.5” Soft Cuff/Adptr, 35mm hoses
STEPPED ADAPTER 2.25-1.75-1.25
2.5” SCREW CUFF, Gray for Hose
Cuff for 1.5” hose to 2” ID
Dustless Hoses
We have designed our hoses to withstand years of wear and hard use. Each hose attachment is kink-proof and crush-proof and unravels easily. Dustless Technologies created our hoses with the end-user in mind, so they are not only highly effective, they are easy to use. With Dustless, there is no more fighting with your vacuum hose.
5ft x 1.1in AshVac Hose w/ Cuff
Dual Wet+Dry Vac Kit 1.5in Hose
6 ft DustlessVac Adapter Hose
50’X2” Dustless Pro Hose w/ Cuffs
25’x 3” Dustless Pro Hose
50’ x 1.5” Dustless Pro Hose
25’ x 2.5” Dustless Pro Hose
25’ x 2” Dustless Pro Hose
1.5" x 25' Dustless Pro Hose Kit
8-ft x 35mm Hose (D1618/D1619)
Wire Wound Hose 2 1/2 x 14”
2 Ea. Hose Hooks for D1618/D1619
Dustless Filters and Vacuum Bags
Dustless Technologies has a full line of HEPA vacuum filters and bags that work in conjunction with our point-of-contact dust shrouds. The use of our technology together ensures that our equipment complies with current guidelines and regulations set forth by the EPA, NIOSH, and OSHA to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for commercial and personal use.
15.5” HEPA Fltr Conical w/ Hooks
HEPA Certified Filtered for WD Vac
Filter Bag Open - D1505 (10 Pack)
HEPA Filter backpack 3 pk
AshVac Outer / Inner Filter Pkg
Filter w/ Velcro Slurry Vac
HEPA Filter (D1618/D1619)
Filter Bag Seal - D1505 (3 Pack)
Filter Bag Open - D1505 (3 Pack)
Micro Prefilter (D1618/19) 2pk
4-7 Gal HEPA WunderBag™ 2pk
8-10 Gal HEPA WunderBag™ 2pk
12-18 Gal HEPA WunderBag™ 2pk
Dustless Attachments
Dustless Technologies creates an array of attachments that are essential for construction companies, contractors, and do-it-yourselfers. Our line of additional equipment and accessories helps you keep workspaces and other areas clean and dust-free.
1.5 In. Slurry Squeegee Kit
HEPA Floor Tool with Adapter
1.5 Squeegee Dustless Slurry
WAND (SLURRY VAC) - 2” X 4.5”
Floor Tool w/ Squeegee (D1618/19)
Ash Vac Wire Brush Tool Rect
Ash Vac Wire Brush Tool Round
13” x 1.1” AshVac Metal Nozzle