Filter By:View AllVacuumsDust Control & ShroudsEquipment & AccessoriesVacuums:Ash Vacuums 23Wet+Dry Vacuums 27HEPA Wet+Dry Vacuums 30BackPack Vacuums 12Industrial Slurry Vacuums 13Dust Control & Shrouds:Cutting Shroud 16Drilling Shrouds 3Grinding Shrouds 20Equipment & Accessories:Attachments 31Cuff and Adapters 22Filters 34Hoses 17Scraping Tools 2Cuff and Adapters “2.5" SCREW CUFF GRAY FOR HOSE” has been added to your cart. View cart Showing 10–18 of 22 resultsSorted by price: high to low Sort by popularitySort by average ratingSort by latestSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to low 2" Gray Cuff $11.99Sku: B0353Add to cart 2 1/4" Y Connector $11.99Sku: 14172Add to cart 1.5" Soft Cuff/Adptr, 35mm hoses $10.99Sku: D1411Add to cart STEPPED ADAPTER 2.25-1.75-1.25 $10.99Sku: D1414Add to cart 2.5" SCREW CUFF GRAY FOR HOSE $10.99Sku: H0538Add to cart 1.5" Soft Cuff $9.99Sku: 14311Add to cart Cuff for 1.5" hose to 2" ID $8.99Sku: B0348Add to cart 2 1/4" Hard Cuff $7.99Sku: 14169Add to cart 1.25 In Adapt hard small hose av $7.99Sku: 14161Add to cart ←123→